We offer kinesiotaping services utilizing Rocktape, which is the strongest/most effective product in this market. In many instances, particularly with sports or exercise activities, our patients often need interventions beyond joint manipulation to maintain the positive results manipulation and adjustment provides. Certain areas of the body, particularly in the cervical and lumbar spinal regions, the scapulae, the mid-foot, the elbow, and in the knee, require additional stabilization after mobilization or manipulation because they need inherent stability, not excessively mobility. The brain will create the stability around those joints by making the muscles around the area hypertonic, thus giving the patient a sense that the area is “tight.”
A common prescription is to give stretching exercises to these areas to minimize the tightness, but this can make the muscles irritated as they try to provide stability. As an adjuct, we can offer additional stabilization with Rocktape. Taping for support and posture can provide the stability the brain wants and allow the muscles to relax. You will no longer feel constant tightness, and overall joint range of motion can improve.
There is research that examines how an initial episode of back or neck pain can lead to sensorimotor changes with input from the spine. Over time, these changes lead to altered sensorimotor integration of input from the spine and limbs.
Research findings have indicated that areas of spinal dysfunction represent a state of altered afferent input that may be responsible for ongoing central plastic changes. Furthermore, this may be a potential mechanism that could explain how spinal manipulation improves joint function and reduces pain.
It has been proposed that:
“Altered afferent feedback from an area of spinal dysfunction alters the afferent ‘milieu’ into which subsequent afferent feedback from the spine and limbs is received and processed, thus leading to altered sensorimotor integration (SMI) of the afferent input, which is then normalized by high velocity, low-amplitude manipulation.”1
Basically, immobility and fixation of the spine can interfere with the central nervous system, and manipulation helps to restore motion. Post-manipulation changes can be seen with improved range of motion and decreased pain not only to the segments manipulated but to the extremities as well.
Unfortunately, even after the pain is gone and the tissue has healed, the muscles have already learned what it’s like to be injured. Therefore, the benefit can often times be temporary.
Previously injured muscles need proper stimulus to reset so they can contract properly. Kinesiology taping can be one piece of the puzzle that contributes to teaching the muscles how to function normally again.
Further research demonstrates that kinesio taping may be an “efficacious therapy due to subtle mechanisms affecting the brain, not just because it gives mechanical support.” The tape provides afferent mechanoreceptor stimulus to the brain, and the brain will perceive stability.
Let us know if we can help you with the use of Rocktape.